Thursday, March 29, 2012

Project Appleseed

After attending the local shooting range one weekend, the range instructor told us about a grass roots group promoting learning rifling techniques. After he helped my son and me with shooting.  The website is: The website states, "Through Project Appleseed, the Revolutionary War Veterans Association is committed to teaching two things: rifle marksmanship and our early American heritage. We do this for one simple reason, the skill and knowledge of what our founding fathers left to us is eroding in modern America and without deliberate action, they will be lost to ignorance and apathy.
Is there a direct relationship between understanding our country's founding and civic virtue? The answer should anecdotally be quite clear. As our citizens' knowledge of founding principles has declined, so too has our involvement in this government 'of, by and for The People.' Instead, our citizens seem all too content to relegate governmental decisions and knowledge to those that have been elected, all the while assuming these officials' abilities and agendas are working on their behalf. We believe that if this trend continues, our country will be left with an expansive gulf between the populace and the government." So with this type of grass roots movement wanting to teach parents and their children the history of America and how to shoot rifles, is their an alternative motive? Should I take my son out one weekend this summer and get the instructions they claim to teach? The group claims to "renewing civic virtue - prioritizing civic responsibility over personal interests and indulgence. We are wholly comprised of volunteers who commit time, resources and passion toward achieving the RWVA mission." This is what some people wish to do with their leisure time, should the rest of Americans take note?


  1. I think you should take your son out and begin his education on American history. There is a reason we learn history, so we don't repeat the mistakes of the past, and I personally feel that is imperative that we as American's owe it to ourselves to be involved in government. This is what our forefathers intended with the way the framed the constitution, power lies in the citizens. I think it's important to get your son involved in the fabric that makes up America and teach him a thing or two about his heritage. Congrats on finding a group that supports American history! Another one you may want to look at is the Heritage Foundation.

  2. I will look into the Heritage Foundation. I think that I will take my son one weekend this summer and get him going on his history. I find it relaxing and something we both enjoy when we go to the shooting range.
