Monday, March 26, 2012

Fighting Childhood Obesity

During Spring Break Michelle Obama was on Letterman and she was plugged her health incentive to end child obesity among other things.  But it got me thinking. Why did it take so long for a public figure to come out and say this isn't good and it needs to stop? The media has been telling the stats for many years about obesity in America and how it needs to change. But not many have done much about it. Are the stats not scary enough to change the way Americans live? The stats in class are enough for me to want to get healthy. Such as tonight's stats: 1/3 of Americans are overweight or obese, since 1980 obesity rates have doubled in America.


  1. I agree that the statistics are mind blowing when you look at the cold hard numbers, however obesity is a slow developing epidemic. Look at the explosion of the fast food industry, it caters to the lazy. Come get your food while you sit in the car. In addition the foods served at these restaurants is not of the highest in terms of healthy living. Obesity, in my opinion, is a result of the lifestyle change promoted by technology, the "get it done yesterday" mentality. As the demand for things to be produced faster has increased, we have forgotten to take time for our health.

  2. I agree that obesity takes time to develop. And with American in the mind set of wanting it now and not wanting to wait, Americans in general will keep doing what they have done in the past and just "solve it" later. If that is actually working out and changing their eating habits or the the more than likely choice of finding some "miracle" diet pill.
