Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Open Carry

In the state of Oklahoma, currently a person is allowed to carry a concealed gun with a permit. There is legislation proposed to allow Oklahomans to carry a firearm openly if this new legislation goes through and is signed in by the governor.  A same type bill was passed in April of 2010, but the governor at the time, Governor Henry, vetoed the bill. Proponents of the bill say that it will detour crime. With the thought being that if someone is going into a public place to rob it and there are people in line with a firearm in the open, will the person rob the store or continue on down the road.  The opponents of the bill say that will put all officers on edge when seeing a gun and when they come onto a scene how will the officer(s) know who is the "good guy" and who is the "bad guy".  As far as which side each person is on depends on their upbringing around firearms among other items. But the idea that guns would be allowed in all public places is an interesting idea. Currently businesses can put up stickers letting patrons know if guns are allowed or not in the business. Other places such as banks and state agencies are no guns allowed. Such as the campus of OSU (among others). With this new legislation, if it were to pass and I had the proper paperwork I could walk into a bank or to class with my Ruger P95 on my hip and it would be legal. Would that cause some disturbance in class? Would the teacher/professor be on edge (unless he or she was carrying as well)? This legislation open a whole can of worms into what if type questions for our campuses and other businesses.
What about firearm sales? Would people buy more firearms if they could carry any gun openly? As in Arizona where open carry is legal. The website says:  "Arizona is an "open carry" state, which means that anyone can legally carry any (legal) weapon in the open, without any permits, as long as the weapon is:
  • Kept in a holster or scabbard
  • At least partially visible on your person, or;
  • Kept in a container or the glove compartment of a vehicle (still must be holstered, however)
This means that it is perfectly legal to carry a loaded handgun or revolver on a belt holster, out in the open, while you walk down the street, and no special permits are required. You CANNOT, however, unholster that weapon without a very good reason, nor can you walk around holding a gun in your hand or tucked into your pants. You must have a bona fide holster or case to keep it in, and both the gun AND holster must be openly visible. (" So with this in mind will gun sales increase to all kinds, not just small hand guns for concealed carry? Does this idea make anyone want to put an assault rifle and carry it legal on their back anywhere? How about to a political rally? Sounds crazy, but this did happen in Phoenix in August of 2009, ( There is was legal for the men to carry the assault rifles without permits.
As for myself, open carry or concealed carry, I will follow the law. I will still continue to purchase firearms as funds become available and go to the local range to make sure I can use them if the need arises and of course to have alot of fun.

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